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Microdosing Support and

Psychedelic Sessions for Women


Are you a woman seeking a Safe, Legal, and Supported Psychedelic Experience?

Embark on a deeply transformative journey with my one-on-one and group preparation, integration, and psychedelic sessions. Tailored for women experiencing pivotal life moments such as grief, career shifts, relationship transitions, motherhood, or relocations, these sessions are your compass to navigate change.

In Amsterdam, I'll guide you through an exploration of your inner world using the power of psilocybin truffles, breathwork, and mindfulness. Together, we co-create a safe, nurturing, and gentle space for your journey to unfold.

If you are new or experienced with psychedelics, we will curate a process that suits your needs and expectations. Check my offerings to learn more.

Curious about exploring microdosing with professional guidance from an experienced Microdosing Coach?

I've got you covered! After years of working as a microdosing coach, I've put my acquired knowledge into creating a personalized 6-week microdosing journey that will help you safely and effectively incorporate this practice into your life.


This journey includes:

  • Personalised Microdosing Plan

  • 3 x 1:1 Sessions

  • Tracking of Your Experience, Tools of Support

  • Includes Microdosing Booklet and Extra Resources


Book today a free 20-minute, one-on-one exploration call, so we can get to know each other and evaluate if microdosing is the right tool for you right now and what kind of support you need in this journey.




1:1 coaching & sessions • Microdosing • Psychedelic Retreats • Integration • Ceremonies • Programs

photo of jessika

Hey there!
I'm Jessika Lagarde

I'm a certified trauma-informed plant medicine facilitator, microdosing coach, and educator. I'm passionate about our natural world and helping women further connect with themselves and their bodies.
In 2020 I co-founded the platform Women On Psychedelics, a space for women to share their voices and feel empowered in their journeys toward healing and self-liberation. We run retreats, ceremonies and educational events. 

Currently, I am also a lead facilitator for retreats and group ceremonies, a Board Member of the Gather Well Ethics Committee, Study Group Facilitator for Psychedelics Today (Vital Training in Psychedelic Therapy), and mentor of the Conscious Tripping Program for women. 

You can find me collaborating with

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Book a FREE

Exploration Call

Most of my clients are in a space where they'd like to focus on a certain or few areas of their lives and just need additional support. I've been there too many times in the past years and I am grateful for always having had the support of women teachers, guides, and mentors that helped me navigate life's transition. 

Does that resonate with you and you would like to learn more? Book a call with me!

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My individual and group offerings are for the woman who is ready to own and consciously control the trajectory of her life. Thinking about all the challenges and insecurities life transitions can bring, I've created a variety of different offerings to match your needs.


Deep Dive Into The Self

An 4 to 8-week program, with full preparation and integration support and psychedelic session


Conscious Tripping Program

A program dedicated to intentional psychedelic journeys for women.


Microdosing Support

6-week customized journey to fully support you during your microdosing process



"Attending Jess’ psilocybin retreat was one of the most life-changing decisions I have ever made! I had the pleasure of attending a women’s only 5-day retreat back in August 2023 and I am still finding new ways in which it changed me. The amount of care, love, and knowledge that Jess brings into the space is palpable. I felt extremely well taken care of and safe to experience the depths of what the medicine had for me."


"Working with Jessika during a beautiful WOOP retreat has been an absolute pleasure. I got to experience firsthand the knowledge, skills and dedication she brings to her field. She infused the retreat with a sense of trust and respect while also bringing a fun and playful side. She helped cultivate a very safe space in which she encouraged us to go deeper and really look inside to see what's going on - spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

I can't wait to work with Jess again in the future."


"I respect and admire Jessika so much. She is an excellent teacher, space holder and mirror. I love how grounded she in when you work with her and love when she gets to show her silly side. I trust her deeply and have enjoyed working with her as my guide. I will undoubtedly cross paths with her again."


Group Ceremonies


A women’s ceremony is a sacred ritual. It is a space where you can share, listen, and learn without judgment. In a ceremony, everyone is equal. It becomes a safe space where you can experience whatever is heavier on the heart and the deeper yearnings that come from your soul.

A women’s ceremony is a space where you can be vulnerable and sit with your deepest fears, longings, and hopes. There is no advice given, no suggestions, or attempts to fix another or rescue her from what she is moving through during a ceremony. We simply gather to witness, to hear, to hold space.


Book your private group ceremony today or learn more about the women-only ceremonies I host in Amsterdam as a collaboration with Women On Psychedelics

Save Your Spot

Image by Brooke Lark


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